Spinal Adjustments Can Relieve Pain Instantly
Did you know your nervous system controls every organ and system in your body? This is the foundation of chiropractic care. Gentle movements and pressure along your back and neck align reduce stresses to your nervous system, allowing the body to heal itself.
Chiropractic is safe and appropriate for all ages, infants through seniors. In 1994, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (U.S.) conducted a study called “Acute Low Back Problems in Adults”. They concluded nothing is safer or more effective for the care of back problems than chiropractic. Our doctors are trained in eight different methods, just about anyone can benefit from chiropractic.
Specialty Procedures
Cervical Disc Decompression Therapy – The Triton Cervical Decompression System is state of the art computerized equipment designed to help our patients with bulging and herniated discs, chronic neck pain, neck spasms and the symptoms associated with pinched nerves.
Lumbar Disc Decompression Therapy
The Accuspina Lumbar Disc Decompression unit is a state of the art computerized therapy used to reduce disc bulges, disc herniations, and symptoms associated with degenerated discs.
Our licensed chiropractic team includes:
Michael Arber, BS, DC, DAAPM
David Berk, BS, DC, MS